Andres Tobar considers Latino vote essential to victory in bid for House of Delegates seat on June 9th in Arlington

 Politics   Tue, June 02, 2009 03:17 PM

 ARLINGTON, VA – Andres Tobar, candidate for the Democratic Nomination for the 47th District of the Virginia House of Delegates, has stated that the Latino vote will make the difference in his bid to win the Democratic endorsement for Delegate.  

Andres Tobar stated, “I am delighted with the support that I have received from several Arlington elected officials, including County Board Members Chris Zimmerman and Walter Tejada, as well as School Board Members Emma Violand-Sanchez and Libby Garvey.  My campaign has also received excellent support from community leaders, business owners, activists and workers from throughout Arlington.  I believe that if a large percentage of the 1900 Latino voters in the 47th District come out and vote for me, I will win this election.   

I will fight to ensure that our educational system gets the funding that it needs, so that all children can get the education they need.  I will support universal pre-school to ensure that all children are ready to learn when they start school and to achieve his or her dreams.

I will work to resolve the economic crisis by supporting the industries of the future: Green industries that bring new jobs and technology to Virginia.
I will fight to change the tone in Richmond.  I want to stop the mean-spirited legislation aimed at the most vulnerable and downtrodden in our society, especially that aimed at the immigrant communities.

As an Arlington County resident for more that 30 years, I am ready to serve its residents.  As a retired federal employee from the U.S. Department of Education, my work as Executive Director of the Shirlington Employment and Education Center, and my community service -- President of the Kiwanis Club of South Arlington, the Social Justice Committee of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Treasurer of AHC, Inc. (formerly Arlington Housing Corporation), Member, Arlington Food Assistance Center, and Chair of the Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations-- has led me to seek this office.  In addition to my community work, my education includes a masters in Social Science with emphasis in Education from the California State University, Sacramento, California and fellowships of Leadership Arlington, the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership, University of Virginia, and LEAD Virginia, a Virginia Chamber of Commerce sponsored statewide program.

I look forward to the campaign, and I hope the citizens of the 47th District will allow me the honor of representing them as their representative in Richmond.”
Tobar receives Labor endorsement

Tobar recently received the endorsement of Laborer's Local 11, an affiliate of the Laborers' International Union of North America, as well as the American Federation of Government Employees District 14 Council One, that represents 20,000 federal government employees in the Washington Metropolitan Area.  As a 20-year employee of the U.S. Department of Education, Tobar was an active member of AFGE Local 2607.

"As a life-long union supporter, I am proud to accept the endorsements of Laborer's Local 11, as well as AFGE District 14 Council One.  We have a long way to go to ensure that workers in Virginia can vote for union representation, are paid a living wage and have health insurance benefits.  But we must begin today to fight for these rights in the new legislative session ," Tobar said.

“Our support for Andres is based on his passionate commitment to all workers in Northern Virginia.  He has earned our respect.” Hugo Carballo, President, Laborers Local 11.

Thomas Owen Murphy, President of AFGE 14th District National Capital Area Council One, wrote in his endorsement letter, “Based upon your background as a former Federal employee at the U.S. Department of Education, whre your were represented by and a member of AFGE Loca 2607, and your record in advocating for the community, it is Council 1’s pleasure to endorse your candidacy for the Virginia House of Delegates  in the 47th District.  Council 1 believes that your history of support for working families and the issues that matter most to them make you the best choice in the June 9th Democratic Primary Election.

“Council 1 will urge AFGE members to support your campaign and ask that all of our members living within the 47th District vote for you on June 9th.  We believe that solidarity with our sisters and brothers requires more than just talk, and we encourage the active participation of our members to support your election.  We wish you much success in the future.”

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